Everyone has a different reason why they have landscaping installed and how much they want to spend to install and then maintain it.
Some people want to screen their property from neighbors. Others want to provide shade from the sun. Some want to make their HOA happy or help improve the curb appeal for potential tenants or buyers. Plants can affect a properties value and the cost to heat/cool it.
If a plants anticipated mature size is 6 feet wide and gets planted in an area that is 3 feet wide this means there will probably be reoccurring maintenance costs to keep the plant small. Since we do not do reoccurring maintenance at residential properties we have no incentive to plant certain plants.
If you have three landscapers visit your property and make suggestions on what should be installed you will probably get three suggestions. To save time and potentially frustration you may want to have some ideas on plants and rock before meeting with landscapers.
The size and number of plants that get installed will affect the total price of your new landscaping. Sharing your budget with us allows us to present you a proposal that works for you. There is little point in us presenting you a $20,000 proposal if you have a $3,000 budget or vice versa.
If you see plant that you like make a note of its name or take a photo of it and the label with the name of the plant.
The Gardens are located at 333 South Valley View Blvd. Las Vegas, NV.
You can search for plants based on a number of characteristics including flower color, water usage, and sun exposure. Not all plants on this site are available locally. Click here
If you have the opportunity to safely ask the property owner what it is you might do that. If you are able to take a photo and share it with On Time Landscapings staff or another professional we may be able to identify it.
Photos of some of the other landscapes we installed may give you some ideas. All were completed to meet the property owners needs and within their budget.
These are just a few ideas. Each one links to the SNWA website for each plant with a description and photos.
Landscapers can only carry some samples with them. Some rock yards will allow property owners to take samples home so they can see what they look like up against their home.
An article on HGTVs website quotes
Pat Vredevoogd Combs, a past president of the National Association of Realtors. “Well-landscaped yards...fetch higher prices -- they sell more quickly than houses with little or no landscaping… (Source)
…the net cooling effect of a young healthy tree is equivalent to ten room-size air conditioners operating 20 hours a day. U.S. Department of Agriculture
…the value of… a landscape improvement increases over time since the growth and maturity of trees and shrubs enhance aesthetic appeal. Source
said that “If you are considering selling, good landscape design can add up to 20% of value to your home.” Bob Villa
Healthy, mature trees add an average of 10% to a property’s value. U.S. Department of Agriculture
Strategically placed trees save up to 56 % on annual air-conditioning costs. U.S. Forest Service
On Time Landscaping
Telephone: 702-348-8399
Email: info@welandscapevegas.com
NV Contractors License C10 0070688 Bid limit $50,000.00
NV Department of Agriculture 7143
PO Box 401531 Las Vegas, NV 89140